How to cancel a recurring set of bookings
Cancelling a Booking is Simple and Quick!
Follow these easy steps to cancel a recurring booking set:
- Head over to SweepSouth bookings.
- You'll see your upcoming, completed, and cancelled bookings.
- Click on the specific booking and then scroll to find the three dots on the right.
- Choose from the options: View, Edit, or Cancel.
- Select the 'Cancel' option to decide whether it's for a specific booking or the entire recurring set.
- Select "Cancel Recurring Bookings On This Day"
- Choose the reason for cancellation from the list provided.
- Tap 'Next' to complete the cancellation.
- Check your email for the cancellation confirmation!
You have until 12:00 the day before your scheduled booking to make changes without any charges. After 12:00, a late cancellation fee will apply, including a service fee.
Don't worry if your SweepStar hasn’t confirmed the booking by 3 p.m. Our system automatically finds a new SweepStar in your area. We'll drop you an email about this change and then give you time to cancel by midnight without facing any cancellation fees.
Please remember, for your convenience, to cancel any bookings through your profile on the site or app. This helps you have total control over your bookings.
Important note: Unfortunately, we can't offer refunds or credits for cancellation fees. This fee supports the SweepStar, covering their loss of work for the day and any transport costs incurred
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