My average ratings explained
Hi SweepStars,
We know there have been a lot of questions about how your average ratings are calculated and we want to take this moment to explain how your average ratings are calculated so you can better understand how your performance is assessed.
How Average Rating is Calculated
Your average rating is the sum of all your ratings added together and then divided by the total number of times you have been rated.
An Example of the calculations
Let’s say you work for 15 clients right:
- 10 clients rate you 5 stars,
- 3 clients rate you 4 stars, and
- 2 clients rate you 1 star.
To get your average you will add (10 x 5) + (3 x 4) + (2 x 1) = 50+ 12 + 2 this will give you 64, then divide the answer in this example 64/15 = 4.26
NB: If you have time you can try and work out your average by having a look at the pictures below and your answer will be your current average rating.
Illustration 1:
Illustration 2:
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