How to cancel a Recurring Booking Set [via APP]
Quick Steps to Cancel Your Recurring Set!
- Open your app to manage your bookings, past and upcoming.
- Click on the menu (those three horizontal lines) and choose 'Bookings' to explore what's ahead.
- Tap on the specific booking set you'd like to cancel.
- Scroll down and select 'More Options'.
- To cancel your entire recurring set, simply tap 'Cancel Repeat Appointment'.
- For individual one-time bookings or specific appointments within your recurring set, use 'Cancel Appointment'.
- Choose a reason for the cancellation and even consider contributing to your SweepStar (optional).
- Lastly, tap 'Submit' to confirm your cancellation.
You're in charge of your bookings! You can cancel your upcoming booking without any charges until 12:00 on the day before your scheduled service. We're always ready to lend a hand! If your SweepStar hasn't confirmed the booking by 3 p.m., our system smoothly assigns a new SweepStar to cover the service. You'll receive an email about this change, and you'll still have the option to cancel without any fees until midnight.
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