How to change the number of hours booked
We've got an incredible feature to help you with any changes in your bookings! The SweepSouth app allows you to edit certain aspects of your bookings easily. To unlock this convenient feature, download our app right here: SweepSouth App.
To adjust the number of hours booked:
- From the home screen, select the relevant booking.
- Click the pencil icon in the top right-hand corner.
- Increase or decrease the estimated hours and click on 'Review.'
- Review the changes and edits.
- Our system will aim to accommodate these changes based on your SweepStar's schedule. If she's unavailable, we'll ask if you'd like to try a different SweepStar.
- If you're happy, click on 'Save repeat booking' for recurring bookings, or 'Save Booking' for one-time bookings.
- Edits can be made up until 12 p.m. the day before the booking or until your SweepStar has confirmed the day before.
- Our system estimates cleaning time based on various factors. Adjusting hours significantly is not recommended, as it ensures SweepStars have enough time to clean your space efficiently.
- For any last-minute changes, please reach out to our support team for assistance.
We're here to support you every step of the way!
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