Editing Bookings Explained
We've got an incredible feature to help you with any changes in your bookings! The SweepSouth app allows you to edit certain aspects of your bookings easily. To unlock this convenient feature, download our app right here: SweepSouth App.
Which Bookings Can I Edit?
- You can easily edit a one-time booking.
- For recurring bookings, changes you make can be applied to either an individual booking or all upcoming bookings within your recurring set.
Which Changes Can I Make?
- Change your SweepStar.
- Adjust the number of bedrooms or bathrooms.
- Add or remove any extras or cleaning products.
- Modify the estimated hours or alter the date and start time.
Remember: You can make edits up until 12 p.m. the day before your booking
We're here to help out if you need any last-minute changes. Simply reach out to our friendly support team for assistance!
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